ICDM/ICBK 2019 Panel: Marketing Intelligence – Let Marketing Drive Efficiency and Innovation
Panel Chair: Xindong Wu (Mininglamp Academy of Sciences, Mininglamp Technology, Beijing, China)
Marketing connects product/service providers and customers. It runs through the whole life cycle of an organization (such as a manufacturing enterprise or a public safety department), including market opportunities, market penetration, market developments, product/service innovation, and possibly market renovation. Marketing intelligence (MI) seeks to facilitate a positive cycle among market opportunities, market penetration, and market developments, not just intelligent marketing. It applies AI, Big Data and CRM technologies to analyze huge amounts of heterogeneous multi-source data, and supports intelligent decision-making by mining operational patterns from production and consumption data, and providing data insights, customer profiling, brand analysis, personalized advertising, product/service recommendations, supply chain integration and inventory management.
Recently, China launched a 3-billion-RMB national platform, titled “Marketing Intelligence: China’s National Open Innovation Platform for Next Generation Artificial Intelligence”. At this panel, the proposers of this platform as well as experts from different countries will discuss challenges and opportunities for such a grand project, one of the largest AI projects so far in the world.